Dear Momma,

Happy breastfeeding month to all mothers! 

My journey as a first-time mom was filled with doubt, fear, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Just like you, my body, mind, and spirit felt disconnected when I first held my baby in my arms even after so much preparation and research LOL. Looking back, there are a few things I would have appreciated to aid in my breastfeeding journey and looking after a little human being that was now under my care. I hope they help you as you navigate your breastfeeding journey:

  1. Your birthing experience doesn’t define the mother that you are for your baby- I gave birth through a c-section and that felt like a failure for me. It made me feel inadequate about not birthing vaginally and my milk supply dipped because I was stressed and thinking too hard about it. So be gracious with yourself, your body needs to feel safe and calm before it can produce milk to nourish your little one. 
  2. Trust your body- with all the bodily changes that come with pregnancy and eventually birth, I hated my body and that slowed my healing process and eventually my milk production. Giving birth is no easy feat and probably the hardest thing your body will ever have to do. So, give your amazing body a little extra love to heal and do the amazing things it needs to do for you and baby.
  3. It’s okay to supplement with formula milk- I remember feeling guilty and ashamed each time I made a bottle for my daughter because of how uninformed I was about breastfeeding. Not producing milk immediately after birth is normal and our bodies function differently so, no pressure, new momma! Your body will find natural ways to rise to the new occasion.  
  4. You can do it all, but you don’t have to- since I felt inadequate as a mom, I overcompensated by doing everything on my own. I did not allow anyone to help me with feeding, changing, bathing and taking my baby to sleep. My milk supply was still under the gutter and my back paid the price to date. It’s okay to allow your immediate family to support you as much as they can.
  5. Don’t forget to eat and rest- when your milk supply doesn’t occur naturally, a little help goes a long way. Drink lots of fluids, fruit, veggies, nutritious foods and most importantly, sleep.
  6. Keep latching- keeping the baby on the breast may seem like a waste of time, but a newborn needs colostrum before your breast milk supply improves. Putting the baby on the breast stimulates your body to produce more milk.
  7. Walk your own journey- I know it gets overwhelming with all the advice and different views and opinions, but really, breastfeeding is an individual journey. It could be lonely, but nothing as hard as making decisions based on other people’s experiences other than your own.
  8. Your milk will come overflowing, eventually- unless it’s a medical issue, you will get your milk two to three days after birth like I did. Or a few hours later, or maybe a few weeks after. Some women start producing milk before birth and for some mommas with two or more babies, breastfeeding becomes a continuous growth process. Be patient with yourself and prepare. 
  9. You can thrive at work and being a mom- Pumping and storing breastmilk at work is essential to keep the flow going. I used to hide in the most ridiculous places to pump because I didn’t want to make others uncomfortable. Other times my boobs would swell, leak until I got home. Scratch that! You don’t have to feel embarrassed or hide, breastfeeding is part of the cycle of life. At Lady Askari, we’re provided with a nursing kit that includes a breast pump, storage bottles, a storage bag, an ice cooler pack when expressing and storing milk at work or away from home and a breastfeeding cover to feed your little one in style and privacy. We are empowered to embrace our beautiful boobs and our breastfeeding journeys. 
  10. Happy breastfeeding-  it’s a new experience and has its challenges, and if it’s a second or third or fourth time, each experience is uniquely different. Breastfeeding is the second  most empowering thing we do as women, for ourselves and our babies. I enjoyed breastfeeding and the bonding time I spent with my little one while doing it. I know you enjoy it too, and maybe not so much when they start teething and biting through the nipple. But by then, you will have become a pro at managing it as you go. So, let’s celebrate our boobies today. Lets thank them for what they do for us and the life they sustain. I’m giving mine a big kiss!

So, momma, I promise you it gets better. Mine got better and I nourished my baby as much and as long as I saw fit and despite a glitch at the beginning, we got an overflowing happy ending. You got this!

Best wishes,

Fellow momma

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